Analogical Reasoning Process Based On The Development Of High Order Thinking Skill Prospective Teacher Students

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Supratman , Subanji , Muh. Zulfikar Mansyur


This study aims to see the Analogy Reasoning Process Based on the Hots Development of Prospective Students When students solve the problems given by the researcher. While learning is taking place, prospective teacher students are given basic concepts to find the distance between 2 points, the distance between a point and a line and the bisector of the angle between two lines. So it is hoped that prospective teacher students can use it to solve problems on the basis of analogies and analogy targets. Based on the analogy of events on the basis of analogy and target analogy, it is expected that students' thinking processes include High Order Thinking Skills. So that after college students are able to apply High Order Thinking Skills when teaching at school. When students solve problems, students who are classified as High Order Thinking Skills (C4, C5, and C6 according to Bloom's B S and According to Krulik et al. Critikel thinking, and creative thinking) the results of student data analysis all optimize the use of concepts that have been mastered previously, able to avoid inaccuracies. complete thinking. substructure in the process of assimilation and accommodation, as well as avoiding mismatches in the use of thinking substructures in the process of assimilation or accommodation. What happened was (1) the problem accommodation process, (2) the strategy accommodation process, (3) the problem assimilation process, (4) the strategy assimilation process, (5) the relationship assimilation process, and (6) the relationship accommodation process. The processes in the steps of analogical reasoning when Problem-Solving in constructing the conic section equation are characterized by the following behavior/activities. In addition, this study found 2 interesting things, namely; (1) categorization or type of analogical reasoning when solving problems based on the hierarchy of thinking Krulik (2003) and (2) Not all students are able to determine the use of generally accepted concepts in constructing the equation of a conic section.

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