Impact Of Captioned Videos On Inference Generation Of ESL Learners

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Misbah Yasmeen , Muhammad Adil Wazeer , Sadiq Mazari , Farzana Ismail


This quantitative study aimed to evaluate the impact of captioned videos on inference generation of ESL learners. For this research work, 200 ESL learners enrolled in Associate Degree program at public colleges for women of District Rahim Yar khan were selected using cluster random sampling. The responses of these ESL students were obtained via Google form. This Google form was based on a questionnaire having acceptable reliability (i.e. Cronbach Alpha Coefficient (α) = 0.77>0.70). This questionnaire was designed by the researcher focusing on possible potent and impotent effects of captioned videos on inference generation and its essential factors i.e. background knowledge, vocabulary knowledge and memory. Pilot study was conducted involving 12 students of ADP to obtain a reliable questionnaire. Later on, descriptive statistics was analyzed using the collected data. Findings of frequency statistics showed that captioned video had a beneficial effect on background knowledge of the students. While all the negative effects of captioned videos on background knowledge were negated by ESL learners. As far as vocabulary knowledge was concerned, it was affected by captioned video in both positive and negative perspectives. Memory of students was also influenced by the manipulation of captioned videos. As well, proficient generation of inference was also provoked with the use of captioned videos according to the perceptions of ESL learners.

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