Effectiveness OF Adabul Muta'allim-Based Character Learning Model TO Prevent Student Deviant Behavior (Study AT Sma Negeri 15 Bulukumba)

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Suardi M , Ismail Tolla , Mustafa , A. Ramli Rasyid


The learning model as mind mapping, of course, provides a systematic procedural picture for teachers in organizing student learning experiences so that learning goals can be achieved, as does the model of character learning based on Adabul Muta'allim, aimed at preventing students' deviant behavior, implemented explicitly at SMA Negeri 15 Bulukumba. For this reason, through this study, the effectiveness of the learning model was tested using descriptive quantitative methods, which collected data through performance test activities. Namely, researchers acted as observers who were equipped with assessment rubrics as a checklist tool on the ability of student character, both pre and post, and during the implementation of the learning model. After that, descriptive statistics were used to examine it. As for the results, on average, of the 36 students, 24 students, or 66%, were in the category of cultured, which was previously only 14 students, or 39%, and 11 students, or 31%, were in the developing category, which was previously 16 students, or 44%, and one student, or 3%, is in the category of starting to develop, which was previously six students, or 17%. At the same time, for those who needed guidance (MB), there were no more than 0 students (0%). Thus, the Adabul Muta'allim-based character learning model has fulfilled the element of product effectiveness in strengthening students' character to prevent them from deviant behavior.

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