Effect Of Body Mass Index on Menstrual Irregularities in Working Women

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Sheetal Barde, Dr. Sheela Upendra, Dr. Jasneet Kaur


Objective: To find the outcome of BMI on the menstrual pattern in working women. Methods: A total of 100 working women between the ages of 21 and 45 were chosen for the study. A self-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The formula for calculating BMI (kg/m2) was: BMI (kg/m2) = Weight (kg) / Height 2 (m2). Results: The girls were 30.96 years old on average (range 21–45 years). 49 % of the women were working in Govt. sector, 2% in the private sector, 21% were manual workers, and 30% did not specify their occupation. 10% of the women were 10 years old when they reached menarche, 18% were 11 years old when they reached menarche, 42% were 12 years old when they reached menarche, 20% were 13 years old when they reached menarche, and 10% were 14 years old when they reached menarche. The BMI of the women was used to estimate their nutritional status (BMI). 56 percent of the working women were normal (BMI 18.5-24.9), 28 percent were heavyweight (BMI 25-29.9), and 2 percent were obese (BMI 25-29.9). Conclusion: According to the findings, many working women are obese. In a survey of a hundred working women, 14 percent were underweight. Women who were overweight or obese had irregular periods. BMI and menstruation pattern had a statistically significant connection (P 0.005)


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