Classroom Quality In Terms Of Structural And Process Dimensions At Early Childhood Education Level In Pakistan

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Asifa Younas , Dr. SairaTaj , Sana Khan , Sajjad Hussain , Farah Naz Makhdum , Bazgha Saleem Khan


Classroom quality plays an indispensable role in the field of early childhood education. Quality of structure and process are both crucial for achieving desirable results. The main objectives of this study were to compare the structural dimensions of classroom quality (class size, physical quality, academic quality, teacher-child ratio, etc.) at early childhood education in public and private schools in metropolitan cities of Punjab. Moreover, it was investigate the process dimensions of classroom quality (teachers' self-efficacy, depressive behavior, teacher parents, coordination, and teachers' attitude towards children, etc.) at the early childhood education level in public and private schools in metropolitan cities of Punjab and the differences among different demographic variables in terms of structural and process dimensions of classroom quality at early childhood education were investigated. This study was conducted through casual comparative approach. The researcher selected 100 public and 100 private schools from metropolitan cities of Punjab with the help of convenient sampling for quantitative data. In the quantitative approach, the survey method was used, and data was collected through a self-developed questionnaire. SPSS version 25.0 was used for data analysis. The researcher analyze the quantitative data and compare classroom quality's structural and process dimensions using descriptive and inferential statistical (t-test of independent samples, ANOVA,) techniques. .

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