Optimizing A Cooperative Teaching-Learning Of Students Team Achievement Division On English Mastery Of Javanese Native Children
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This study investigated the English grammar errors produced by the Javanese native children and the effectiveness of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) cooperative-learning method in tackling the errors. This research was undertaken over a 12-week academic semester and employed a pre-test and post-test methods assigned the children to two groups under experimental and control conditions. The experimental group (N=25) and control group (N=25) enrolled in class and received the same English grammar material using different method in which the experimental group received the treatment of the STAD cooperative-learning method whereas the control group received the conventional learning method. Qualitative data collection and analysis as well as interviews were utilized. Whereas the qualitative method was used to examine the English errors produced by the children, the quantitative method was used to examine the effectiveness of the STAD method in reducing the English errors evaluated using the Paired-Samples T-Test. An in-depth interview with the teachers and the children was also conducted in order to examine (1) the causes of English errors made by the children and (2) the teachers’ and children’s perspectives towards the effectiveness of STAD method during teaching-learning activity. The findings showed (1) the English grammar errors were caused by the children’s Javanese mental grammar which led them to apply the Javanese grammar system (L1) to English grammar system (L2) as well as the overgeneralization and false concept hypothesis (intralingual errors), (2) the STAD method was effectively reduced the English errors in which the experimental group outperformed the control group with an absolute significance of 0.024. Based on the results of the t-test and also the teachers and children's positive perception towards the STAD cooperative-learning method, it can be deduced that the STAD method is viable to reduce English errors as well as appropriate for teaching-learning to improve children's mastery in learning.