The Rising Trend Of Switching To Organic Products: Identifying Underlying Factors Of Shifting Trend On Organic Cosmetics In Pakistan
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Introduction: Globalization have allowed many Companies to increase their growth rapidly they have targeted every person from every unique demographics, this has caused an increase in sales but it also has its downside because in order to fulfill each customer's requirement and in order to give them a solution that can work instantly they might have gone over the line by using dangerous amount of chemicals. This is mainly the reason why most of the consumers are switching toward the use of organic products.
Purpose: This research tends to investigate the underlying factors which could enhance the Purchase Intention towards organic products. How factors like attitude, price, product availability and social norm along with awareness influences the purchase intention of consumer.
Method: Initial data for this investigation were obtained from the target groups. Questionnaires are used as primary data, while secondary data is used as literature, articles, books, websites and case studies to help complete the theoretical framework and study. Five hypotheses have been created and will be validated based on an approved questionnaire. In this study, quantitative secondary data is collected based on a questionnaire distributed to selected respondents.
Analysis: For analysis purpose SPSS 20 is used and mediation analysis is being conducted to check hypotheses’.
There is a significant relationship between attitude, price sensitivity, social norms with purchase intention of customers. Whereas the attitude would also impact on purchase intention when customer’s awareness mediate the relationship. There is insignificant impact of product availability on developing purchase intentions.