Attracting High-Quality Human Resources In Health Sector: A Case Study Of Lao Cai Province
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Along with the socio-economic development, comprehensive health care for the people is always a top priority. Along with the medical industry, the pharmaceutical industry plays an important role in protecting and taking care of people's health and developing the region's economy. The reality shows that, at present, human resources for the pharmaceutical industry are relatively high in number, but quality is not guaranteed, and there is uneven distribution among regions, between cities and rural areas. villages, between provincial and district hospitals, between administrative and non- business sectors and production and business sectors. The attraction and reasonable allocation of health human resources in the province is an urgent issue that needs to be solved in order to achieve the highest efficiency in human health care. High-quality medical human resources in mountainous, remote, and border areas are always a "conundrum" problem for managers. Many groups of doctors volunteer to follow programs and projects on district hospitals to provide professional support and work directly. But in reality, these are only seasonal options, lacking sustainability. The problem of attracting and retaining high-quality medical staff is a very necessary task with health policy for Lao Cai province to be solved.