Awareness On Prosopagnosia Syndrome Among Dental Students

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Deepika. R, Jerry Joe Chokkattu, Dhanraj Ganapathy


INTRODUCTION : Prosopagnosia is a neurological disorder characterized by the inability to recognise faces. Prosopagnosia is also known as face blindness or facial agnosia.Prosopagnosia can be acquired or hereditary.The prevalence can approach 2.5% of the population.

Aim: The aim of this study is to create an awareness of prosopagnosia syndrome among the dental students

MATERIALS AND METHOD: A random survey sampling using a self structured questionnaire of 15 questions was circulated among 100 dental practitioners  of Saveetha dental college. The data were compiled in excel and the results were statistically analyzed using spss software.

RESULTS  : Within the limits of this study, we arrive at the results that female respondents (67.55%) had greater awareness than male respondents (32.45%) on prosopagnosia syndrome . The results of this study also show that the respondents are least aware about prosopagnosia syndrome ,the cause, treatment and measures taken for this syndrome.

 CONCLUSION: Thus from the results obtained, most of the practitioners were unaware of this syndrome and its causes. Hence  every dentist and dental practitioner has to be aware of prosopagnosia syndrome to treat such patients who address them in an effective way. 

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