Awareness Of Marfan Syndrome Among Dental Students

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Gajapriya.M ,Jerry Joe Chokkattu, Dhanraj Ganapathy



Marfan syndrome is an inherited connective tissue disorder that affects normal body growth. Connective tissue provides support for your skeletal structure and all the organs of your body.

Aims: The aim of the study was to assess the awareness of Marfan syndrome among dental students


Materials and Methods: A cross sectional questionnaire study was conducted to 100 dental students to evaluate their awareness about Marfan syndrome.A questionnaire about Marfan syndrome was uploaded to the survey conducting website and distributed to the dental students through social networking sites. The Exclusion criteria involved those who are not dental students. The final sample size 100. The age , gender , year of studying and questionnaire were collected  and the data was analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, Chicago,USA) . Descriptive statistics and Chi-square-test were used to compare the results. P value set to 0.05 as level of significance.

Results: A total of 100 dental students who participated in the survey, 71% were female and 29% were male . From the result we observed that most of the people were unaware of the Marfan syndrome. Though some people guessed the syndrome (67%) , most of them were unaware of its cause , clinical manifestation and treatment provided to them to prevent its occurrence.

Conclusions: The study concluded that the dental students are very less aware of the Marfan syndrome and required more knowledge to diagnose a patient with the Marfan syndrome.

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