Terminology As An Informative Part Of The Language

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Ergashev Muhammadjon Rakhmonovich , Imomov Elyorjon , Abdulhamidov Sanjarbek


The elements of the terminological system are communicatively correlated not only to each other, but also with the system as a whole. If such a system develops spontaneously, does not contain all the concepts related to a particular area, is not formed in a strict order and consists of pre-terms, quasi-terms and pseudo-terms, then in this case we are dealing with a set lexical units, called terminology.

A.V.Superanskaya draws her attention to the fact that the terminology is the part of not only a certain area, but also "the totality of areas of scientific knowledge" [1, –246 p]. A similar interpretation of this term is found in the works of Yu.V. Slozhenikina. Thus, the terminology is:

1) the totality or some definite set of terms in general;

2) aggregate terms (concepts and names) of any particular branch of knowledge or activities 

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