Technologies For Improving The Quality Of Educational Results Of Schoolchildren By Developing A Personalized Model Of Teaching Mathematics Through Interactive Stories

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Abdurahmonov Umidjon Shoqosim o'g'li , Toshmatova O'rmonoy Rahimovna , Ahmedova Nilufar Mamasiddiqovna , Tolipov Rustam Mamasoliyevich , Abdullayeva Nargiza Roxataliyevna


The problem which is solved by this research is due to the need to resolve the contradiction between the requirements of the modern economy for the quality of mathematics training of future specialists and an insufficiently developed methodological base for training graduates that meets these requirements.

The aim of the study is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of the personalized model of teaching mathematics by means of interactive shorty stories to improve the quality of educational results of schoolchildren.

The research methodology is the analysis and generalization of literature on the problems of improving the quality of mathematics education, the use of digital technologies to personalize learning. The following empirical methods were used: observation, analysis of the results of work  in the AXMA Story Maker application (choice of answer, number of attempts to find a solution, read publications, etc.). In the experiment the Fisher criterion was used to process the results.

Research results. The work clarifies the essence of the concepts “personalized learning model”, “visual short story” and highlights the didactic functions of interactive short stories in relation to mathematics education. The authors described directions of activities at mathematic, in which the personalized educational model is a condition for the successful implementation of  personal trajectories.

The conclusion summarizes the features that should be taken into account when designing the personalized learning model: correlating the didactic purpose and the result of work in the nonlinear environment, choosing a plot for a short story, personalized trajectory of cognition, etc.

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