The Mediating Role Of Learning Goal Orientation In Team Climate For Innovation And Innovative Work Behavior Relationship At Algerian Petroleum Sector: A Conceptual Paper
Main Article Content
This paper aimed to develop a conceptual framework of factors affecting employees' innovative work behavior in Algeria petroleum sector. The study was conducted through a review of literature and document analysis. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the connections between team climate for innovation dimensions (vision, participative safety, task orientation, support for innovation) (TCI), learning goal orientation (LGO) and innovative work behavior (IWB). Consequently, this study proposed a framework to study the effect of team climate for innovation on innovative work behavior via the mediation role of learning goal orientation. It has also been discussed how the variables directly affect one another. Therefore, it is anticipated that this publication will close the knowledge gap and add to the body of knowledge in this field of study.