To Determine The Demographic Profile Of Victims Of Fatal Head Injury In RTA
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Aim: To determine the demographic profile of Victims of Fatal Head Injury in RTA
Material and methods: A total of 100 deceased corpses from traffic accidents were transported to the morgue for medico-legal post mortem examination. A detailed history was obtained from family as well as eyewitnesses if they were accessible at the time of the autopsy. The inquest report, family, and hospital treatment records were also used to acquire necessary information. For the filling observation of the current research, a complete pro-forma for collecting history, epidemiological data, and injury information, among other things, was created. The data gathered in this manner was statistically analysed.
Results: Males (81%) outweighed females (19%) in this research, with a male to female ratio of 4.26:1 among victims of all RTA head injury cases. The majority of the victims, 66 instances (66%), had only completed secondary school, while the remaining 34 (34%) had completed senior secondary school or beyond . The majority of the fatalities happened as a result of accidents on the highway. 47 instances (47%), followed by 39 cases (39%), and 14 cases (14%), respectively.
Conclusion: Most car accidents are caused by drivers who are either going too fast for conditions or not paying attention, breaking traffic laws, overloading public transportation vehicles, or not properly maintaining their cars. The majority of those who die or are injured in car accidents could have avoided it.