The Effectiveness Of A Play Therapy Guidance Program To Reduce Shyness In Kindergarten

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The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of this therapeutic program by playing to raise the level of shyness in the kindergarten stage and to identify the extent of the child’s interaction and the degree of play in the kindergarten stage and to identify the differences between children (male and female) in the degree of shyness in the kindergarten stage and to identify the different years of experience for teachers on reinforcement / regression Shy behavior in kindergarten children. The study sample was the study population consists of two categories, the first category includes kindergarten teachers, and the second category includes children in the kindergarten stage at the age of 4 to 6 years. Related to the study by selecting a simple random sample of kindergarten teachers through distributing the electronic questionnaire form to them. The number of female teachers who answered the questions of the questionnaire was 60 female teachers, while 60 kindergarten children were selected from the age of 4 to 6 years in a simple random sampling method, they were divided into two groups (controller and experimental), and the number of each of the experimental and control groups reached 30

students. The study reached the following results: 1- There is a high level of shyness among kindergarten children from the point of view of the study sample members of the kindergarten teachers, where the arithmetic mean reached 2.618 with a standard deviation of 0.466, which shows the importance of the therapeutic counseling program with play that the study will implement.

There is a low level of shyness among kindergarten children from the point of view of the study sample members of the kindergarten teachers, where the arithmetic mean was 1.097 with a standard deviation of 0.209, which shows the success and effectiveness of the therapeutic counseling program by playing that the study applied in reducing the level of shyness among kindergarten children Which answers the second question of the study, which shows the high level of child interaction and the degree of play in the kindergarten stage, as well as the validity of the second hypothesis of the study, which states the high level of children’s interaction and the degree of play in the kindergarten stage, 3- There are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of the experimental and control groups Before applying the therapeutic program by playing, which shows that there is parity between the two groups before conducting the experiment. 4- There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental and control groups after applying the remedial program by playing (post-test) in favor of the experimental group in the post-test, where the play-remedial program succeeded in reducing the level of shyness among kindergarten children, which explains the validity of the first study hypothesis that It states that "there are statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05≥α) in the scores of the shyness scale between the members of the two groups, the experimental group and the control group on the post-measurement in favor of the experimental group when applying the remedial program by playing." 

This result answers the first question of the study, 5- There are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of children (males and females) in the degree of shyness scale in kindergarten, which shows that there is parity between the two groups (males and females) in the degree of shyness scale in kindergarten, which is what It answers the third question of the study and explains the incorrectness of the third hypothesis of the study, which states that there are statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05≥α) between children (male and female) in the degree of shyness scale in kindergarten, 6- There are no statistically significant differences Between the teachers’ ability to enhance/regress the shyness behavior of children in the kindergarten stage, which is attributed to the different years of experience of the teachers, which shows that there is equivalence between the groups of years of experience for the teachers, which answers the fourth question of the study and explains the invalidity of the fourth hypothesis of the study, which states that there are differences Statistically significant at the level of significance (α 0.05 ≥ ) between the teachers' ability to enhance / regress the behavior of shyness among kindergarten children due to the difference in the years of experience of the teachers, 7- There are no statistically significant differences between kindergarten children in the degree of The shyness scale is attributed to the child’s age stage, which shows that there is parity between the age groups of children, which answers the fifth question of the study and explains the invalidity of the fifth hypothesis of the study, which states that there are statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05≥α) among children in the kindergarten stage in The degree of shyness scale is attributed to the age of the child.

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