Cost Analysis Of Banking Transactions In The Digital Age

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Khamdan Rifa’i , Nurul Setianingrum , Nurul Widyawati IR , Retna Anggitaningsih , Fauzan , M. Hamdi HS


Banking is an important institution in promoting economic growth. The important role of banking is because of the intermediation it does with those who have funds with those in need, so that the allocation of economic resources becomes spread out and the bank itself benefits from interest and transaction fees made by customers. The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze the analysis of banking customer transaction costs in the digital era. The study method used is a literature study approach. Literature study is a research conducted by researchers by collecting a number of journals, books related to the problem and research objectives. Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that transaction costs in banking are not only transaction costs carried out at banks which include: administrative costs, supervision fees, advertising and promotion costs and depositor trust fees, the amount of which is based on the agreement in the contract agreement. However, there are other transaction costs that must be paid by customers in supporting the process at the bank, which the authors call transaction costs in the supporting sub-systems which include: Implementation costs, monitoring costs, and information and coordination costs, the amount of which varies according to customer needs.

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