The Influence Of Entrepreneurial Marketing Dimensions On The Business Performance Of Msmes In The Food Sector

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Indri Hapsari , Rahmad Madjid , Patwayati , Endro Sukotjo


The rapidly changing business environment affects changes in business performance in food small businesses so that a spirit is needed in implementing a mindset and acting through the dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing (proactiveness, calculated risk-taking, Innovation-focused, resource leveraging). Entrepreneurial marketing is not only adopted by small companies in order to effectively utilize their limited resources, but also to help business actors survive in an unstable environment and in uncertain market conditions. This study aims to analyze the influence of entrepreneurial marketing dimensions consisting of: proactiveness, calculated risk-taking, innovation-focused, resource leveraging on business performance. The object of research is micro, small and medium enterprises in the food industry sector. The research population is a food sector MSME player who is still surviving during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study sample numbered 100 respondents. Data collection using questionnaires. The research data were analyzed using Smart PLS 3. Research findings that the dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing such as: proactiveness, calculated risk-taking, innovation-focused, resource leveraging have a positive and significant effect on the business performance of MSMEs in the food sector. This shows that business actors who act faster, have a high spirit, always think about overcoming risks, beliefs and unyielding actions, follow marketing trends, face competition with innovation, use partnerships, use technology in terms of product delivery, the goods or products produced can be absorbed by the market so that their business performance increases.

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