Emotional Intelligence: A Literature Review Of Its Concept, Models, And Measures

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Anamika Singh , Dr Rajkiran Prabhakar , Jatoth Sai Kiran


Unprecedented interest has been shown in the notion of Emotional Intelligence (EI), both in the lay and scientific communities, and it has also quickly become a topic of study among academics and researchers. When compared to other less impressive traditional psychology concepts like IQ and personality, EI has emerged as one of the hottest buzzwords in today's corporate world. The current research aims to provide a synopsis of the existing literature on EI by exploring the development of the concept of emotional intelligence during the course of its existence. In it, the ideas and theories that led to the development of the theory of emotional intelligence are explored. It also defines EI by examining the numerous ways in which EI may be measured and the purpose of this paper is to investigate the concept of E.I. by analysing the existing models, evaluation tools, and connections between them.By comparing the models of EI on criteria such as their focus on emotions and emotional intelligence, the gaps in the three models, and the suggested need for designing and standardising EI scales, a contrast will be drawn between those that place an emphasis on intellectual ability and those that combine intellectual ability with personality attributes.

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