Features Of The Formation Of Aesthetic Education In Primary Education

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Temirova Matluba Karim qizi


This article discusses the role of aesthetic education in the educational process, its implementation in the educational process, its importance in the acquisition of knowledge, the aesthetic improvement of students' knowledge in the content of the natural sciences, and the creation of problem situations. , as well as the use of aesthetic education in the teaching of science in the curricula and programs of general education schools, the issues of establishing aesthetic education in a serious attitude towards the environment, students' reflections on nature, their worldview, behavior, general culture, environmental protection in teaching science, the appropriate development of opportunities and means, teaching the development of aesthetic thinking of students in all its forms: in the classroom, extracurricular activities, excursions and extracurricular activities, to determine the possibilities for the development of aesthetic thinking in them through training, to develop aesthetic education of students in teaching natural science, to analyze the facts of students' activities, events and the creation of a mechanism connections in the study of phenomena, the conscious assimilation of educational material through the application of previously acquired natural science knowledge, skills and competencies in new situations, the content of natural science education is consistent the value of knowledge of various academic disciplines that study the problems of the relationship between man and nature, and the content of aesthetic education is modern education, described with the help of technology.

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