The Influenced Of Job Demands And Authentic Leadership On Job Satisfaction: The Mediation Effect Of Emotional Exhaustion

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Jiayin Ou , Zhuoran Zhang


The purpose of this paper is to examine the mechanism of the influence of job demands and authentic leadership on job satisfaction, and the mediating effect of emotional exhaustion. A total of 590 valid sample data of Chinese knowledge workers were obtained, and analyzed using a structuring equation model with software SPSS 26.0 and Amos 26.0 was used. The empirical result shows increased job demands do not diminish employee job satisfaction as much as assumed, and dissatisfaction only arises when employees feel emotionally exhausted from high job demands. Authentic leadership as a resource can help increase employee job satisfaction directly, and can also affect satisfaction by reducing emotional exhaustion. The findings have practical implications, and managers need to concentrate on the characteristics of knowledge workers and their definition of job demands to stimulate employee job satisfaction by segmenting different job demands. This paper received further examine not only for the predictions derived from job demand-resource theory, highlighting the positive role of authentic leaders as job resources, but also for a broader analysis of the meaningful relationship between job demand and job satisfaction, with emotional exhaustion having a mediating effect.

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