The Strategy Of Peaceful Rise

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Sami satar gawhar and Noor abdellah ajrash


The fact that China has operated under the tenet of a peaceful rise since 1978 is noteworthy. The notion of a peaceful rise was originally intended by China to disprove their theory of danger. Although there were some who disagreed with the idea, some political figures, such as Hu Jintao, the general secretary of the Communist Party, and Wen Jiabao, the prime minister of China, embraced it and frequently used it, particularly during his visit to USA at the end of 2003. This was what motivated Zheng to convert him to the theory of rise Al-Salami, which he supported with the theory of convergence of global interests, where the theory is based on analyzing the relationship between soft power and global peace through convergence in global interests and not through traditional theories such as balance of power or deterrence

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