The Determinants Investment Climate In Sudan And Its Impact In Attracting Tourism Investments An Applied Study On The Ministry Of Tourism, Antiquities And Wildlife In Sudan (2016-2021)

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Dr. Ayman Abdullah Mohammed Abu-Bakr


This research aimed to identify the determinants  investment climate in Sudan and its impact in attracting tourism investments , an Applied Study on Ministry of Tourism, Antiquities and Wildlife in Sudan  . The research problem is What are the primary determinants that must be met to create the investment climate in Sudan. In this respect, the research develops the following three hypotheses: There is a statistically significant relationship between the determinants of the investment climate in Sudan (political stability, economic policy, financial policy, monetary policy) and attracting tourism investments. There is a statistically significant relationship between the determinants of the investment climate in Sudan (the structural structure, the administrative framework, the legislative framework, the project guarantees) and the attraction of tourism investments. The research used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences program (SPSS) to analyze the data and effect the field study. Based on said account, the research has reached the following findings: There is a causal relationship between the availability of the determinants of the investment climate already mentioned and others, and the amount of capital inflow of foreign direct investment in Sudan. The research, on the other hand, recommended Availability of natural resources with the stability and clarity of economic and financial policies and monetary under economic openness and competitiveness of the productive and service enterprises local help in creating the investment climate in Sudan.

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