Enhancing Sociopreneurship Student Skills In Disabilities Field: A Project Based Learning Approach

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Chafit Ulya , Sarwiji Suwandi , Joko Nurkamto , Kundharu Saddhono


Every child has the same opportunity to actualize himself, including children with disabilities. Through the Entrepreneurship course, Sebelas Maret University students have sociopreneurship skills to empathize with people with disabilities. Through this article, we briefly describe the learning process carried out to equip students to have the ability to develop sociopreneur abilities. The research method used in this study was a case study with students of Sebelas Maret University as the research participants. The results of this study indicate that through Entrepreneurship lectures, the RIB (Ruang Indonesia Bercerita) team has been able to develop social community-based start-ups (sociopreneurship) to accommodate the potential of persons with disabilities. This business pilot is realized through three stages of the learning process, including prototype design, prototype development, and prototype assessment. However, the existence of RIB as a social community still requires continuous development efforts to ensure its vision and mission can be fully achieved.

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