Wishful Thinking Among University Students

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Asala Jameel Ali Al-Dulaime , Assist. Prof. Shaima’ Salah Hussein Al-Ubaidee, Ph.D.


The current research aims at identifying:

  1. The wishful thinking among university students

  2. The differences in the statistically significant relationship in the wishful thinking among university students according to the gender variables (male - female) and academic specialization (scientific - humanitarian).

    To achieve the objectives of the current research, the researchers collect the research community represented by the students of the University of Baghdad, who are (61481) students selected from (6) colleges with humanitarian and scientific specialization, distributed as follows (political science, media, agricultural science, college of Education for Women, science, algorithm engineering). The total number of the sample is (500) male and female students, the number of males is (228), and the number of females is (272). For the purpose of measuring the research variables, the researchers build a scale of wishful thinking based on a survey of the views of a sample of university students for the four stages of these colleges who are selected randomly with the revision of literature of previous studies. The scale may consist of (34) items distributed in two directions (negative - positive) in the final form. The apparent validity of the scale is confirmed by presenting it to a group of experts, and after treating the scale by statistical means, the research reached the following results;

  1. The research sample has moderately wishful thinking.

  2. There are no differences in the wishful thinking among the university students according to gender (males - females).

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