The Problem Of Gender Orientation Of Children's Education Process: Analytical Review

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Gulyamov Djakhangir Rakhmatullaevich , Nurboev Kuvondik Mirzanovich , Mansurova Surayyo Ravshanovna , Khuzhakulov Nurmurod Turakulovich


Login Information/Payment. All children absorb educational information differently based on their gender differences. The main reason for this is that children's thinking strategy, type of attention and memory, as well as information acquisition mechanisms are related to gender differences. Preparation of didactic assignments taking into account the gender aspects of children during the lesson, that is, the gender orientation of the lesson process ensures that the individual lateration profiles of the teacher and children are compatible and that children understand and assimilate educational information. For this, teachers should have knowledge and skills to diagnose the peculiarities of the organization of children's brain activity and, based on the results, to ensure the gender orientation of the lesson. Improving the professional competence of teachers in this direction by studying international best practices in the field of didactics will help raise the national education system of Uzbekistan to a higher level.

Methods. The diagnostic method "Style of Learning and Thinking, SOLAT" created by Ellis Paul Torrance and C.R.Reynolds, T.Riegel, O.E.Ball was used to determine the leading hemisphere, thinking strategy and information acquisition mechanisms of children. Quality indicators of children's learning of subjects were determined using the "Study of educational materials" method.

Results. Through the gender orientation of education in general secondary schools, individual lateration profiles of children and teachers were matched, and the formation of knowledge and creative activity in children was ensured. In addition, individual and group psychological-pedagogical correctional activities with children who have difficulties in socialization due to the imbalance between gender and biological sexes have been organized in schools.

Conclusions. In order to gender-oriented education in general secondary schools, it is necessary for the teacher to determine in what strategy it is appropriate to start referring educational information - deductive or inductive, logical thinking or associative-imagery and so on. For this, the teacher is required to determine the neuropedagogical terrain of the study group and take this information into account when preparing didactic materials, formative assessment of children and establish "feedback" with them. Fulfillment of these conditions ensures that children fully understand the information in the lesson and effectively absorb knowledge.

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