“Investigating Factors That Influence On Students Learning Of Mathematics At Catholic Board Of Education Secondary Level Schools In Saddar Karachi”

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Roman Rodrigues, Noman Ali Samo, Pearl Pereira, Farhan Ali Khaskheli


This study examined students’ perception of factors influencing teaching and learning of mathematics in Catholic Board of Education secondary schools in Saddar Karachi. The objectives of the study were to determine the extent to which students perceived: method of teaching, instructional materials and attitude of students influence the teaching and learning of mathematics in Catholic Board of Education secondary schools in Saddar Karachi. The study used a sample of 150 males and 150 female students from five selected Catholic Board of Education secondary schools in Saddar Karachi. The instrument used for data collection was a adapted questionnaire measuring students' perception of factors influencing learning of mathematics. To analyze the data collected, the research questions were answered using descriptive statistics such as simple frequency and mean. The results indicated that teaching method, and instructional materials were highly perceived by students as important determinants of their success in learning. Also, students’ attitude towards mathematics learning was an important factor in the performance of students. Based on the results of this study, it was recommended that: There is need to improve the quality of mathematics teachers. The Catholic Board of Education Karachi should embark on serious in-service training of mathematics teachers to equip them with skills for teaching mathematics in secondary schools. Also there is need for mathematics teachers to try and understand the perceptions of their students and try to adopt instructional strategies that whatever student perceived as easy would really turn out to be easy and whatever is difficult may be properly addressed to motivate and encourage students to see the need in learning mathematics and improve their performance.

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