Psychological Harmony And Its Relationship To Meta Comprehension Among Students Of The Kindergarten Department

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Researcher: Dunya Ali Wafee Al_Fahham , Asst.Prof. Eman Younis Ebraheam AL Obady


The current research aims to identify psychological harmony and its relationship to Meta comprehension among the students of the kindergarten department. According to Brown's theory (2003, Brown), which consisted of (44) verbal paragraphs, the researcher verified the apparent validity of the psychological harmony scale and the consistency of its paragraphs, and calculated its stability by the re-test method, as the reliability coefficient reached (0.82), and by the (Alpha Cronbach) method. The reliability coefficient reached (0.90), and the researcher verified the apparent validity of the scale beyond comprehension and the consistency of its paragraphs, and calculated its stability by re-testing, as the reliability coefficient reached (0.83) and by the (Cronbach) method, where the reliability coefficient reached (0.90), and the researcher applied the two scales to The research sample amounted to (400) female students from the Kindergarten Department in the Kindergarten Department / College of Basic Education - Al-Mustansiriya University. this is The means (one-sample t-test, two independent samples t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient), the researcher found that the kindergarten students enjoy psychological harmony, and they have beyond comprehension, and there is a correlation between psychological harmony and beyond comprehension.

      In light of the results reached in the current research, the researcher presented a number of recommendations and suggestions.

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