The Role of Leader Integrity Moderation in Explaining the Relationship of Organizational Political Perception, Employee Work Stress, Employee Innovative Behavior, And Public Organization Performance

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Praningrum, Trisna Murni , Gerry Suryosukmono, Ferry Tema Atmaja


This study describes the results of organizational politics on the performance of public organizations. This study also includes innovative behavior and job stress in identifying organizational performance. Data were collected using a survey of 430 respondents. The statistical method used is SEM (Structural Equation Model) using the Amos 23 analysis tool. Some of the most important conclusions from this study, such as the perception of organizational politics, have no significant effect on innovative behavior and work stress, and organizational performance. As a moderating variable, leader integrity also fails to strengthen the relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and employee innovative behavior. Various factors influence this relationship, such as job stress that only some people experience, so it does not significantly affect organizational performance. Besides, the organization's political perspective does not directly touch employees who rely on innovation in their work, not to affect their interpretation. Employees also tend to be opportunistic and selfish to achieve rewards, and leaders formed through political processes tend to be transactional. The intensity of mentoring by superiors is essential to foster innovative behavior and reduce work stress and intimacy with subordinates, diminishing negative perceptions of a leader's integrity.

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