Factors Affecting The Performance Of The Grade 11 Students In General Mathematics During The Modular Distance Learning Modality
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The quality of students’ academic performance remains at top priority for educators. But traditional learning method was changed when China was shaken by COVID-19 which rapidly spread across the world. Because of this situation the modality in learning in the Philippines must shift to ensure the continuity of education. This research aims to determine the factors affecting the performance of grade 11 students during the modular distance learning modality for S.Y. 2020 - 2021. This study employed a descriptive correlational method. The respondents of this study were 186 grade 11 students who took general mathematics. They answered the modified survey questionnaires from Tuntirojanawong (2013). Frequency, simple percentage, weighted mean, chi-square test and Pearson r were used to treat the gathered data. The study revealed that the profile which had negligible relationship with the readiness factors were age, gender and number of siblings. The senior high school strand, and gadgets used, internet connectivity and combined family income of the respondents had significant relationship with the readiness factor. The three readiness factors such as Technology access, technology skills time management skills and academic performance of the respondents had weak positive correlations. The psychological factors such as motivation self-efficacy had weak positive correlation with the academic performance of the respondents while the study skills of the respondents had weak positive correlation with the respondents’ academic performance. Researchers recommended the learners enhancement plans for each identified school to be implemented and monitored to enhance the learners need during their modular distance learning.