The Student Stress At Vietnamese Universities: A Cross-Sectional Study
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Stress is a well-known topic that has been conducted around the globe for many decades. However, its implication in the Vietnam context is questionable when rare studies have been researched until now. In addition, the number of Vietnamese students dropping out of local universities has been rising for a few years, which raises concerns about stress inside the studying environment. Therefore, this study aims to fulfil this gap by investigating the degree of student stress in Vietnamese universities. In detail, we explored the stress of Vietnamese students in two universities in the Middle and the South of Vietnam. The original scale is English, so it is translated into Vietnamese and confirmed by two local experts who are fluent in both languages. 325 surveys were collected at two separate times to avoid common method bias. The results highlighted that stress exists in students in two Vietnamese universities, and males experienced more stress than females. Moreover, the fourth-year students experienced more stress than the below groups. The solution to solving this problem is that universities should reduce their workloads. In addition, training programs on stress management and life skill should be conducted in Vietnamese universities.