“Gadoan” System In Daily Cattle Breeder Development Program Through Empowerment
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This study aims to describe and analyze the Dairy Farmer Development Program through empowerment and analyze the factors that encourage and hinder the Dairy Farmer Development Program through empowerment in Slamparejo Village, Jabung District, Malang Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach. In the process of data analysis techniques used in this study is an analysis that uses an interactive model consisting of reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This economic improvement is driven by the many benefits that come from being a member of a dairy farmer group under the guidance of the "Waskita Dharma" Education and Social Foundation, Among these are getting a "maintenance" of 1 lactating or production dairy cow with a minimum of 10 to 15 liters of milk per day, a savings and loan program, a livestock health program and the purchase of concentrate feed with a milk deposit discount system. Enthusiastic community participation can be seen from the activity meetings held at the "Waskita Dharma" Social Education Foundation. Viewed from the aspect of independence, it can be seen that the community takes action, confidence, and creativity so that they are able to overcome the problems they face related to dairy farming and an increase in family income. The driving factors for the creation of a dairy farming development program in community empowerment are influenced by concern and cooperation, creativity, satisfaction, change of consciousness and belief. This can be seen from the Foundation's concern in meeting the needs of dairy farmers and the synergistic collaboration between the Foundation and dairy farmers, the creativity of dairy farmers in raising dairy cattle, cattle farmers are satisfied because the results have increased, thus changing awareness of patterns thought the cattle farmer and had high self-confidence. The inhibiting factors of the dairy farming development program in community empowerment are influenced by low concern and cooperation from cattle breeders, lack of creativity, low satisfaction, no change in awareness for the better and low self-confidence. This can be seen from the Foundation's concern in meeting the needs of dairy farmers and the synergistic collaboration between the Foundation and dairy farmers, the creativity of dairy farmers in raising dairy cattle, cattle farmers are satisfied because the results have increased, thus changing awareness of patterns thought the cattle farmer and had high self-confidence. The inhibiting factors of the dairy farming development program in community empowerment are influenced by low concern and cooperation from cattle breeders, lack of creativity, low satisfaction, no change in awareness for the better and low self-confidence. This can be seen from the Foundation's concern in meeting the needs of dairy farmers and the synergistic collaboration between the Foundation and dairy farmers, the creativity of dairy farmers in raising dairy cattle, cattle farmers are satisfied because the results have increased, thus changing awareness of patterns thought the cattle farmer and had high self-confidence. The inhibiting factors of the dairy farming development program in community empowerment are influenced by low concern and cooperation from cattle breeders, lack of creativity, low satisfaction, no change in awareness for the better and low self-confidence. the creativity of dairy farmers in raising dairy cattle, cattle farmers are satisfied because the results have increased, thus changing the awareness of the mindset of cattle farmers and having high self-confidence. The inhibiting factors of the dairy farming development program in community empowerment are influenced by low concern and cooperation from cattle breeders, lack of creativity, low satisfaction, no change in awareness for the better and low self-confidence. the creativity of dairy farmers in raising dairy cattle, cattle farmers are satisfied because the results have increased, thus changing the awareness of the mindset of cattle farmers and having high self-confidence. The inhibiting factors of the dairy farming development program in community empowerment are influenced by low concern and cooperation from cattle breeders, lack of creativity, low satisfaction, no change in awareness for the better and low self-confidence.