Psychology In Leadership According To Ki Bagus Hadikusuma (Study Of Ki Bagus Hadikusuma Manuscripts)

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Puput Mulyono , Siswanto Masruri , Muhammad Azhar


The world is experiencing a leadership crisis, so we need someone who is able to be a good ship captain, in the midst of storms and waves of problems. This step can only be done by leaders who have a humble character. Ki Bagus Hadikusuma is a humble person, unpretentious and not dazzled by his position. Ihsan has animated the thoughts, words and deeds of Ki Bagus Hadikusuma. Ihsan which means doing good, researchers named it psychoihsan. Psychoihsan is an impulse of the soul to do good, which arises from the implementation of the pillars of Islam which is based on the pillars of faith, namely the balance of habluminallah and habluminannas. Researchers named it psychoihsan.

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