Analysis Of Premenstrual Syndrome In Sedentary Lifestyle Women

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Srushti T. Gaikwad , Dr. Suraj Kanase


Background- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a type of menstrual cycle abnormality with pattern of symptoms which typically occurs after ovulatory phase, about 7–14 days prior to menstruation and spontaneously resolves after menses. Certain risk factors of PMS can include women’s diet, health, occupations, genetics, activity status & lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyle is now common and is a common risk factor to affect health in many ways. Analysis of such sedentary women with PMS is important to evaluate symptomatic changes.


Aim- To analyse Premenstrual syndrome in sedentary lifestyle women.

Methodology- 109 consenting participants fulfilling the selection criteria were included. They were evaluated with outcome measure Premenstrual syndrome scale (PMSS) via online circulated google form.

Results- According to PMSS, Prevalence of PMS in given population is 99% while moderate symptom showing population is highest (46%).  Statistical analysis shows that 73.3% of the total population has sedentary occupation, from which 36% of the population is significantly showing severe physical symptoms. 38.5% and 4.5% of the population is obese and underweight in BMI measurements respectively.

Conclusion- The study analyses women of various occupations, age and BMIs differing in PMS grading. Women with sedentary occupations has more prominent physical symptoms than psychological and behavioural symptoms.

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