Service Quality Analysis of Customers in Choosing Islamic Bank in North Sumatra, Indonesia

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Asmuni , Saparuddin Siregar , Muhammad Nasrullah


Improving service quality will maintain the competitiveness and attractiveness of Islamic banking. In this era of intense competition, Islamic banks must realize that quality has become the principal strategic value in every sector. Thus, Islamic banks need to reconsider their current and future strategies regarding service quality and the bank’s financial position to survive. The context of service quality refers to the comparison of expectations with performance. This measures how well the customer’s expectations are with the services the bank provides. This study examines the dimensions of perceived service level quality (perceived service level quality). Service Quality consists of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy for customer satisfaction choosing Islamic banks in North Sumatra. This study also examines the level of service quality gap consisting of Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy on customer satisfaction in choosing Islamic banks in North Sumatra. The research method used in this research is field research using a quantitative approach with a sample of 100 respondents of Islamic Bank customers in North Sumatra. The results are 1) Based on the five service quality dimensions, the most dominant dimension in service improvement is the tangible variable (direct evidence). 2) The level of service quality gap at Islamic banks in North Sumatra based on the Cartesian diagram shows quadrant A, which explains that all dimensions of service quality handling need to be prioritized by Islamic banks because factors from each dimension of service quality are considered important and affect customer satisfaction.

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