Empowerment Of Women Beneficiaries Due To Rural Development Schemes In Haryana : A Study Of Mewat District

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Subhash Chand Goel


After declaring Mewat district in Haryana as very backward district by NITI Aayog, the state and central government took many measures for the complete development of the district. These are especially the rural development schemes run by the central and government like MGNREGA, MDM, PMGSY, IAY etc. The government has done a lot of work to involve women in the effective implementation of these schemes. Through research, an attempt has been made to measure the socio-economic and political changes brought about by rural development schemes in the lives of about 5 lakh women of about 431 villages in 5 blocks of Mewat district. About 200 women have been interviewed during the research. To do this research, physical Questionaires was prepared. Apart from this, open interview of women was also conducted to record their open views. The collected data was analyzed by means of SPSS. In which many tests have also been applied. The research was successful in showing that women who benefited from rural development schemes have become socio-economically and politically self-reliant.

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