Teaching Materials Development Of Contextual Based Entrepreneurship For Vocational High School Students

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1Farihah, 2M Lailan Arqam, 3Bakhru Khair Amal, 4Supsiloani


Development using the Borg and Gall product model combined with Dick and Carey's learning design model became one of the most interesting research. That is because it will produce materials that are worthy of use, easy to learn, can be used for individual learning, and to know the effectiveness of teaching materials developed on entrepreneurship subject with contextual based entrepreneurship subjects. Data collection using the quasi experimental method. This method consists of two phases, namely phase I to develop teaching materials and trials, and phase II to test product effectiveness. Data obtained from class X students majoring in fashion of Public Vocational High School Medan, with research samples of 47 students consisting of 24 students as an experiment class and 23 students as a control class. The hypothesis test results proved that there was a significant difference between student learning outcomes taught using contextual-based teaching materials with student learning outcomes using textbooks. This is indicated by the result of data processing obtained tcount = 2.35 > ttable = 1.68, with dk = (n1 + n2-2) at a significant level of α = 0.05. It was concluded the effectiveness of contextual-based teaching materials was 27.37% while textbooks were at 23.60%.

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