Oral Health Care Education Barriers For Dental Anxiety Among School Teachers - A Qualitative Study

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R. Hemalatha , S. Nirmala , K. Viswaja




Oral health care education refers to the process of providing oral health information to the individuals of a specific community.


 Oral health status of the target population is the primary responsibility of the care takers . It is the ability to convey the content with clarity. It should reach out to the general public at a mass level. It instills heath care promotions towards a positive stride by empowering and motivating children right from their young ages. Habits instituted a young ages are mostly carried out till the end.


The present study was conducted to evaluate the oral health care education barriers among school teachers.

Materials and Methods

A qualitative study was designed, planned and conducted among children by school teachers. 

Statistical Analysis

Analysis was computed using content analysis and frequency distribution.


The study revealed that knowledge improved drastically after the health education, but there was no difference in knowledge levels between the means of education.


The present study concludes that identifying the barriers of dental anxiety will help in reducing dental anxiety in children

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