The Nature OF THE Existence OF Deputy Regional Heads IN THE State Administration System OF THE Republic OF Indonesia

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Mohan Roslikana , Gatot Dwi Hendro W , Zainal Asikin , RR. Cahyowati


Regional Heads have many duties and authorities that are born because of the autonomy regulations provided by the law, so it is necessary to have a Deputy Regional Head. The duties and powers of the Deputy Regional Head are very limited, so they are not free to move and act for their constituent communities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the nature of the existence of deputy regional heads and the State Administration System of the Republic of Indonesia. The research method, is the type of normative legal research, with a philosophical approach, a statutory approach, and a conceptual approach. In conclusion, the essence of the existence of deputy regional heads in the constitutional system of the Republic of Indonesia is as a complement to the various limitations inherent in regional heads, a balancer to provide security conducive to the smooth running of the wheels of government in the regions, and as a divider for the burden of the regional head election process. Philosophically, the existence of a deputy regional head should function like a wife in the household system. The wife has clear and clear duties and functions as well as authority while still making her husband the main mecca. There is a concrete mandate and delegation of tasks that are part of the wife's authority in running the ecosystem in the household. The role of the respective functions and responsibilities between the husband as head and the wife as deputy's head and there will also be duties and responsibilities that are a shared burden

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