Soft Power: Background And Prospect Of Nigeria
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In the contemporary international system, states no longer rely exclusively on the use of hard power to achieve their national interest. Soft power has been brought into the arsenal of tools that states deploy in the pursuit of their foreign policy objectives. Soft power has numerous components and each state tends to harness and deploy the components of soft power that it has a comparative advantage in advancing its overall foreign policy objectives. The components of soft power include digitalization, enterprise, education, government and culture. Nigeria, like other states in the world, has huge potential in the various components of soft power. This study focused on how Nigeria has leveraged its cultural soft power, especially in the area of pop culture, comprising the movie and music industry, to advance its foreign policy objectives. The data generated from the key informants were complemented with secondary data, which were extracted from journals, books, government documents, and web-based materials. The study found out that Nigeria can leverage on it entertainment industry to be an instrument of it foreign policy.