Local Wisdom Of Taboo Forbids As A Former Of Ethnics And Morals In The Society Of Batak Toba

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Ramlan Damanik , Warisman Sinaga


Discourse can be either spoken or written. One of the speech that can be classified into this type of verbal discourse is taboo. In Batak community, taboo known as hata tongka. Until now, the Batak community still obey to this expression of taboo. In fact, the existence of this expression is closely related to people's trust and it used as a norm in act in our life everyday. This expression is part of local wisdom because it is used as a rule in life (mores or ethics). To be able to reveal the relationship between discourse and local wisdom that contained in this expression of taboo, the research needs to be done. The suitable theories to be used are discourse theory and local wisdom theory. The appropriate research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis method with field observation techniques and direct interviews. The expected result is a scientific description of the relationship between the forms of taboo with the expected final goal of the speech based on the critical discourse approach and local wisdom. The results of this research will be published in indexed international journals, international proceedings, textbooks, and IPR. Moreover it can be used as a source of reference or reading books for the community, as well as teaching material for students in the collage.

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