Evolution Of Credit Risk In Cross-Border E-Commerce: Based On The Evolutionary Game Model Between Third-Party Service Providers And Regulato

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Fengyun Wang , Mingxia Wei , Brian Sheng-Xian Teo


In the global epidemic environment, cross-border e-commerce is developing rapidly, but the problem of credit risk has become a "pain point" hindering the healthy development of cross-border e-commerce. This study aims to examine the third-party service providers and cross-border e-commerce regulators, which are the primary concerns of consumers. The formation mechanism of the credit risk of cross-border e-commerce was revealed by establishing a credit risk evolutionary game model and a dynamic deduction for both groups. The research found that third-party service providers and regulators influence the credit risk of cross-border e-commerce. Third-party service providers of cross-border e-commerce will gradually evolve into a trustworthy behavior strategy with an increase in operating income or cost. Regulations will pay more attention to regulatory behavior strategies with increasing regulatory operating income or cost. In conclusion, this study suggests that regulators should focus on supervising third-party service providers to increase their trustworthy revenue and improve their service levels. This is of great practical significance for presenting a good credit level in cross-border e-commerce and promoting the healthy development of cross-border e-commerce transactions.


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