A Narrative Review Of Deep Learning Teaching Models In High School EFL Reading Comprehension Teaching Design In China

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Linhong Hu , Rogayah A Razak , Zhongwen Tan


Introduction: Deep learning teaching design has become a hot topic in education science. Many EFL teachers in China are trapped in the" exam-oriented "and ignore cultivating students' abilities, such as critical thinking, creative expression, analyzing and solving problems, and transfer application, especially in high school students' EFL reading comprehension classes. 

Method: This narrative review focus on four models related to deep learning. The objective is to provide researchers, educators, and EFL teachers in China with a comprehensive review. It is of great reference for them to enrich and optimize the teaching methods of EFL reading comprehension teaching. The models include Wu Xiujuan’s (2014) deep learning teaching general process model, Knud Illeris’ (2017) process and dimensions of deep learning teaching, Li Jinyan’s (2021) instructional design elements of deep learning teaching, Eric Jensen and LeAnn Nickelsen’s (2008) deep learning teaching road map. Thirty-eight articles published between 2014-2022 on the illustrated models were collected from multiple online databases such as China hownet, Google scholar, and ERIC. Further, fourteen of them that met the inclusion criteria were reviewed for this paper.

Conclusion: The deep learning teaching design in EFL reading comprehension includes the environmental elements, teaching content elements, teaching activity, teaching evaluation, teaching objective aspects, and question design elements.

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