Relationship Of Emotional Intelligence With Undergraduate Students’ Test Anxiety: A Case Of Universities Of Balochistan
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In higher education, students with test anxiety (TA) perform significantly worse cognitively and have a lower academic success rate. Emotional intelligence (EI) is a broad concept that includes traits like the capacity to get along with others, handle stressful situations constructively, adjust to new environments, and maintain a reasonable frame of mind. But a social anxiety disorder is the umbrella term for what we commonly call "social phobia" (TA). In new research, we investigate the theory that is more EI is associated with less TA. Differences between the genders were also studied. Two hundred and ninety five university students, selected through stratified random selection completed questionnaires on their demographics, test anxiety, and emotional intelligence (EI) during spring semester 2022. The results showed a correlation between higher scores on EI traits and reduced test anxiety. The female participants reported more outstanding TA scores, but the males reported higher EI ratings. Sexual orientation, coping mechanisms, and plasticity were controlled for. Mood, interpersonal and intrapersonal competence, and talent all played a role in predicting low TA. According to the results, students with high TA may want to work on improving their outlook and their internal and external relationships, social commitment may operate as a roadblock to TA.