Development Of Character-Based Problem-Based Learning Model For Improving Creative Thinking Ability Thematic Learning Of Elementary School Students
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This research is based on problems related to increasing creative thinking which so far have not activated students in the learning process. The purpose of this research is to develop a problem-based learning model that is valid, effective and practical. The research method used is development research. The research method used is research and development. Character-charged problem-based learning models are developed by meeting the criteria of the learning model components, namely: model syntax, social systems, management reaction principles, support systems, and instructional and accompaniment impacts. Research and development of learning models carried out following the Plomp model. The location of this study was carried out in four state elementary schools with a sample of 80 students in Pematangsiantar city and Simalungun Regency. The instruments developed are in the form of learning model validation sheets and learning tools validated by experts and practitioners. This research produces a character-charged problem-based learning model that meets valid criteria both in terms of content and construct, practical and effective at a high level. The implications of this research are in the form of learning models that can improve students' creative thinking skills. Recommendations for subsequent researchers to apply character charged problem based learning models to other themes