Mass Media And Special Education: An Introduction To Special Issue
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Tests are vital for understanding causal connections in special education and mass communication research. In the present study, the researchers examine how mass media play its role in educating the masses particularly in terms of special education. Qualitative research has been used for this study. Under this methodology, it would give valuable materials to mass communication instructors and understudies who might not have a complete handle on the value and advantages of special education in educating and learning processes in the field of mass communication. The sample size of this paper is 19 conducted past research papers. The selected research papers were published between 2010-2020. The information for the appraisal was assembled utilizing an audit structure by categorizing the accumulated data. The review is the most helpful gadget for this evaluation because of the most powerful methodology for coordinating comprehensive subjective information. This article also provides an overview of the physical and digital access to library resources, discusses the various roles the mass media and media center may play in the lives of students with disabilities, and describes how teachers and library media specialists can collaborate to meet the needs of students with disabilities. The researchers note that there are positive interrelationships among these pointers.