Assessing The Effect Of Campus Support Facilities Sports Programs Experiences Provided And Environmental Factors On The Student’s Satisfaction Level Using Ordinal Logistic Regression Model

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Zahid Khan , Sundus Hussain , Musarrat Ijaz


The present study conducted to estimate under graduate students’ satisfaction level and its associated factors in University of Malakand, Pakistan. A structure questionnaire was developed for collection of data. Cluster random sampling method was used to select students from various academic departments.  Data were collected by questionnaire which were distributed among under graduate students consisting both gender, male and female. Subsequently, 110 students responded (62 male, 49 female), whose response were analyzed through descriptive statistics, and ordinal logistic regression model. The model indicated factors significantly associated to the student’s satisfaction which were; campus support facilities, experiences provided by the institute to the students, environmental factors, and sports programs.  In order to increase the satisfaction level these factors should be improve. The present research can provide a guideline for educational leaders in focusing their resources for the best satisfaction of their students.

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