A Need For Legal Recognition Of Live-In Relationships In India: An Empirical Study
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India, a country with strong traditional values, traditionally views marriage as a sacred rite, but in today's rapidly modernizing society, this conventional idea is abruptly being replaced by the extraordinary idea of a non-traditional and carefree relationship in the name of live-in relationship(unmarried cohabitation). With the aid of the results of a survey conducted using the snowball sampling technique having sample size of 47 on a 5-point interval scale, the current study measures the perception and sheds light on the true reality of people who live in such situations, including the positive and negative parts of their life and their commitments to one another. With the aid of descriptive analysis and inferential statistics, the study also assesses the circumstances of live-in couples and thoroughly examines whether or not laws should be introduced to protect their rights. These tools are used to study and analyze the variables, find co-relations among them, and determine the gravity of each variable's significance for the study.