Study habits and academic performance in Peruvian mining students, COVID-19 context

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Martín Desiderio Vejarano Campos, Dina Neider Rosario Villanueva, Sandra Karin Chávez Díaz, Francisco Alejandro Espinoza Polo, Enaidy Reynosa Navarro


This study demonstrates the relationship between study habits and student’s academic performance during COVID-19—approximately 113 students and 59 students, chosen non-probabilistically. The CASM-85 Study Habits Inventory was used to collect information by assessing these dimensions: ways of studying, homework resolution, knowledge exam preparation, ways of listening to class, and accompanying the study. Rho Spearman coefficient was used for the association and linear regression for the effect, registering: the above dimensions have a significant influence (p<0. 01) on academic performance (r=0.736; r2 = 55.7%; r=0.767; r2 = 58.9%; r=0.664; r2 = 44.1%; r=0.635; r2 = 40.4%; r=0.689; r2 = 47.5%; r=0.641; r2 = 41.0%). Study habits and their elements should be encouraged to enhance the academic performance of mining students.

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