Optimization And Characterization of Amikacin Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles Using Full Factorial Design.

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Bheemireddy Naga Rajesh Reddy, Dr. N. Damodharan, Jeremiah Immanuel


The study deals with the implementation of full factorial design of experimental and statistical analysis for the optimization of amikacin loaded chitosan nanoparticles. The influence of independent variables concentration of chitosan (X1), STTP (X2 ) and stirring speed of magnetic stirrer (X3) on dependent variables particle size (Y1) and entrapment efficacy (Y2), was investigated. As per the design, eleven runs of nanoparticles were prepared by modified ionic gelation method. The particle size and entrapment efficacy were found in the range of 168 – 297 nm and 86.23 – 97.51 % respectively. A statistical analysis was performed using Design expert software with respect to ANOVA and regression values. The cuboidal plot, contour plot and 3D response surface plots showed visual representation of relationship between the experimental response and the independent variables of the formulation. Regression model equations were validated by a numerical and graphical optimization method. Further optimized amikacin loaded chitosan nanoparticles showed positive charge of zeta potential indicating storage stability. SEM reports the rough and porous surface of the nanoparticles and TEM analysis confirms the spherical shape of the nanoparticles. The optimised formulation resulted the non-fickian diffusion (n=0.51), i.e., the release of drug is burst at initial followed by the sustained release confirming the drug release from polymeric system. The optimized chitosan nanoparticles show a better activity against gram-negative bacteria and moderate activity against gram-positive bacteria. The activity of amikacin chitosan nanoparticles is double to that of the amikacin in pure.

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