Framework for the development of Social Projection based on an effective approach to University Social Responsibility at UNHEVAL

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Enma Sofía Reeves Huapaya, Rocío Esmeralda Chávez Cabello, María Jesús Rosas Valdivia, Carlos Rubén Domínguez Cuellar, Marina Ivercia Llanos de Tarazona, Antonio Alberto Ballarte Baylon, Nicéforo Bustamante Paulino


This article is intended as an approach to the definitions of University Social Responsibility and University Projection / Extension, the relationship between both concepts and the importance of the development of “social capital” within the internal structures of universities, especially that which refers to the organization and student participation. With this previous analysis, a second section will discuss the specific case of the Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco (UNHEVAL).

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